white-collar prosecutions filed in August 2024
U.S. Attorneys recorded 355 defendants charged with white-collar offenses in U.S. district courts in August 2024.
conviction rate for white-collar offenses in August 2024
Of the 956 white-collar defendant referrals disposed of by U.S. Attorneys in August 2024, 369 or 39% were convicted in U.S. district court, 534 were closed without prosecution, and 53 were not convicted after prosecution.
contributed most white-collar referrals in August 2024
Out of a total of 956 defendants referred for white-collar offenses disposed of in August 2024, the largest number of 396 were referred by the FBI
had the most white-collar convictions per capita in District Court during August 2024
District Per Capita
Montana 962
Okla, N 874
Mo, E 700
Cal, S 452
Iowa, N 451
In August 2024 U.S. Attorneys reported more individuals convicted of white-collar offenses relative to population size in the District of Montana District Court than in any other federal district