About the
A Technical Guide
to Information Resources
Found on this Site
The information about the IRS, its criminal and
civil enforcement efforts and the taxpaying
behavior of the American people, was compiled by
TRAC from a variety of sources. The sources
included computerized data obtained under the
Freedom of Information Act from the Justice
Department, the Internal Revenue Service, and the
United States Office of Personnel Management. These
data were supplemented by interviews with current
and former government officials, tax attorneys, and
agency data processing specialists.
Additional information was drawn from internal
administrative records, electronic and hardcover
publications of the Internal Revenue Service;
internal administrative records and statistical
reports of the Justice Department; electronic
databases, internal records and hardcover
publications of the Administrative Office of the
United States Courts; internal records and
published reports of the Office of Personnel
Management; electronic databases of the U.S.
Congress; internal records and published reports of
the General Accounting Office; and county-level and
geo-based files from the United States Census
This section on "About the Data" provides
information about the following topics. Choose from
the following links for further details on each of
these topical areas:
One limitation that should be highlighted: The
information provided the public by the Internal
Revenue Service about the agency's criminal
enforcement activities are substantially
inaccurate. Taken as a whole, the data provide a
highly misleading picture of the enforcement
efforts of one of the IRS's most important
components, the Office of Criminal Investigation.
This finding is noted
elsewhere. A special section on IRS Criminal
Enforcement Data Systems describes TRAC's
findings at some length. Because these data cannot
be relied upon to describe the IRS's criminal
enforcement efforts, we have not used them for our
Web sites.